Welcome Inventors!

This page features books on how to protect, develop and succeed and discusses the challenges of moving forward or moving on with your idea. From patents, prototypes, licensing and manufacturing, how to pitch your idea, market and seeing your invention ideas turned into a product for mass retail, TV, catalogs, shopping channels and web.

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Book #1

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Book #2

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Book #3

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Book #4

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About Brian Fried

Brian Fried is a highly ranked Author of Invention Books: Author of 2 published books currently available in all bookstores online and nationwide. A resource guide for innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs called “You & Your Big Ideas”(2008) and “Inventing Secrets Revealed” (2016)

Brian has been a major player in the invention arena for many years now, and has yielded many successes for not only his own inventions, but the inventions of others.

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